EU Trade agreements
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Negotiations and agreements

Trade topics
  • Negotiations and agreements

In focus

EU-India Free Trade Agreement, Investment Protection Agreement and Geographical Indications Agreement

Being negotiated

EU-Singapore Free Trade Agreement | Investment Protection Agreement | Digital Trade Agreement

In place | Being adopted or ratified | Being adopted or ratified

Overview of ongoing bilateral and regional negotiations 

Overview of Economic Partnership Agreements

Map: State of play of EU trade agreements with third countries

Agreements in place

Country (Region)AgreementStatus
Albania (Western Balkans)Stabilisation and Association AgreementIn force since 2009
AlgeriaAssociation AgreementIn force since 2005
AndorraCustoms UnionIn force since 1991
Antigua and Barbuda (CARIFORUM)Economic Partnership AgreementProvisionally applied since 2008
ArmeniaComprehensive and Enhanced Partnership AgreementIn force since 2021
AzerbaijanPartnership and Cooperation AgreementIn force since 1999, negotiations on modernisation began in 2017, on hold since 2019
Bahamas (CARIFORUM)Economic Partnership AgreementProvisionally applied since 2008
Barbados (CARIFORUM)Economic Partnership AgreementProvisionally applied since 2008
Belize (CARIFORUM)Economic Partnership AgreementProvisionally applied since 2008
Bosnia and Herzegovina (Western Balkans)Stabilisation and Association AgreementIn force since 2015
Botswana (SADC)Economic Partnership AgreementProvisionnaly applied since 2016
Cameroon (Central Africa)Interim Economic Partnership AgreementProvisionally applied since 2014
CanadaComprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)Provisionally applied since 2017
ChileInterim Trade AgreementIn force since 2025.
Colombia (with Ecuador and Peru)Trade AgreementProvisionally applied since 2013
Comoros (ESA)Interim Economic Partnership AgreementProvisionally applied since 2019, negotiations on modernisation began in 2019
Costa Rica (Central America)Association Agreement with a strong trade componentProvisionally applied since 2013
Côte d'Ivoire (West Africa)Stepping stone Economic Partnership AgreementProvisionally applied since 2016
Dominica (CARIFORUM)Economic Partnership AgreementProvisionally applied since 2008
Dominican Republic (CARIFORUM)Economic Partnership AgreementProvisionally applied since 2008
Ecuador (with Colombia and Peru)Trade AgreementProvisionally applied since 2013
EgyptAssociation AgreementIn force since 2004
El Salvador (Central America)Association Agreement with a strong trade componentProvisionally applied since 2013
Eswatini (SADC)Economic Partnership AgreementProvisionally applied since 2016
Faroe IslandsAgreementIn force since 1997
Fiji (Pacific)Interim Partnership AgreementProvisionally applied since 2014
GeorgiaAssociation AgreementIn force since 2016
Ghana (West Africa)Stepping stone Economic Partnership AgreementProvisionally applied since 2016
Grenada (CARIFORUM)Economic Partnership AgreementProvisionally applied since 2008
Guatemala (Central America)Association Agreement with a strong trade componentProvisionally applied since 2013
Guyana (CARIFORUM)Economic Partnership AgreementProvisionally applied since 2008
Honduras (Central America)Association Agreement with a strong trade componentProvisionally applied since 2013
IcelandEconomic Area AgreementIn force since 1994
IsraelAssociation AgreementIn force since 2000
IraqPartnership and Cooperation AgreementProvisionally applied since 2012
Jamaica (CARIFORUM)Economic Partnership AgreementProvisionally applied since 2008
JapanGlobal agreementIn force since 2019
JordanAssociation AgreementIn force since 2002
KazakhstanEnhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (EPCA)Provisionally applied since 2016; in force since 2020. Negotiations on adding a protocol to the EPCA regarding Geographical Indications (GIs) for agricultural products and foodstuffs, wines and spirits are ongoing. 
Kosovo*Stabilisation and Association AgreementIn force since 2016
LebanonAssociation AgreementIn force since 2006
Lesotho (SADC)Economic Partnership AgreementProvisionally applied since 2016
LiechtensteinEconomic Area AgreementIn force since 1995
Madagascar (ESA)Economic Partnership AgreementProvisionally applied since 2012, negotiations on modernisation began in 2019
Mauritius (ESA)Economic Partnership AgreementProvisionally applied since 2012, negotiations on modernisation began in 2019
MexicoGlobal AgreementIn force since 2000, negotiations on modernisation began in 2016, ‘Agreement in principle’ on the trade part reached in 2018
MoldovaAssociation AgreementIn force since 2016; Amended in 2023
Montenegro (Western Balkans)Stabilisation and Association AgreementIn force since 2010
MoroccoAssociation AgreementIn force since 2000, negotiations on modernisation began in 2013, on hold since 2014
Mozambique (SADC)Economic Partnership AgreementProvisionally applied since 2018
Namibia (SADC)Economic Partnership AgreementProvisionally applied since 2019
New ZealandFree Trade AgreementIn force since 2024
Nicaragua (Central America)Association Agreement with a strong trade componentProvisionally applied since 2013
North Macedonia (Western Balkans)Stabilisation and Association AgreementIn force since 2004
NorwayEconomic Area AgreementIn force since 1994
Palestinian AuthorityInterim Association AgreementIn force since 1997
Papua New Guinea (with Pacific)Interim Partnership AgreementProvisionally applied since 2013
Peru (with Colombia and Ecuador)Trade AgreementProvisionally applied since 2013
Samoa (Pacific)Economic Partnership AgreementProvisionally applied since 2018
San MarinoCustoms unionIn force since 1991
Serbia (Western Balkans)Stabilisation and Association AgreementIn force since 2013
Seychelles (ESA)Economic Partnership AgreementProvisionally applied since 2012; negotiations on modernisation began in 2019
SingaporeFree Trade AgreementIn force since 2019
Solomon Islands (Pacific)Economic Partnership AgreementProvisionally applied since 2020
South AfricaEconomic Partnership AgreementProvisionally applied since 2016
South KoreaFree Trade AgreementIn force since 2015
St Kitts and Nevis (CARIFORUM)Economic Partnership AgreementProvisionally applied since 2008
St Lucia (CARIFORUM)Economic Partnership AgreementProvisionally applied since 2008
St Vincent and the Grenadines (CARIFORUM)Economic Partnership AgreementProvisionally applied since 2008
Suriname (CARIFORUM)Economic Partnership AgreementProvisionally applied since 2008
SwitzerlandAgreementIn force since 1973
Trinidad and Tobago (CARIFORUM)Economic Partnership AgreementProvisionally applied since 2008
TunisiaAssociation AgreementIn force since 1998, negotiations on modernisation began in 2015, on hold since 2019
TürkiyeCustoms unionIn force since 1995
UkraineDeep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement
Association Agreement
Provisionally applied since 2016
United KingdomTrade and Cooperation AgreementIn force since 2021
VietnamFree Trade AgreementIn force since 2020
Zimbabwe (ESA)Economic Partnership AgreementProvisionally applied since 2012, negotiations on modernisation began in 2019

This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence.

Agreements being adopted or ratified

In some circumstances trade negotiations with a trade partner have been concluded, but have not been either signed or ratified yet. This means that although the negotiations have finished, no part of the agreement is in place yet.

Country (Region)Agreement pendingStatus
Argentina (Mercosur)Mercosur Association AgreementNegotiations concluded in June 2019
Benin (West Africa)Economic Partnership AgreementSigned, awaiting signature from all parties
Brazil  (Mercosur)Mercosur Association AgreementNegotiations concluded in June 2019
Burkina Faso (West Africa)Economic Partnership AgreementSigned, awaiting signature from all parties
Burundi (EAC)Economic Partnership AgreementHas not signed or ratified agreement
Cabo Verde (West Africa)Economic Partnership AgreementSigned, awaiting signature from all parties
ChinaEU-China investment agreementNegotiations concluded in December 2020
Gambia (West Africa)Economic Partnership AgreementSigned, awaiting signature from all parties
Guinea (West Africa)Economic Partnership AgreementSigned, awaiting signature from all parties
Guinea-Bisseau (West Africa)Economic Partnership AgreementSigned, awaiting signature from all parties
Haiti (CARIFORUM)Economic Partnership Agreement Signed, but has not ratified agreement
Kenya (EAC)Economic Partnership AgreementSigned and ratified, provisional application when all EAC countries sign and ratify
Kyrgyz Republic (Central Asia)Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation AgreementAwaiting signature from all parties
Liberia (West Africa)Economic Partnership AgreementSigned, awaiting signature from all parties
Mali (West Africa)Economic Partnership AgreementSigned, awaiting signature from all parties
Mauritania (West Africa)Economic Partnership AgreementSigned, awaiting signature from all parties
Niger (West Africa)Economic Partnership AgreementSigned, awaiting signature from all parties
Nigeria (West Africa)Economic Partnership AgreementHas not signed or ratified agreement
Paraguay  (Mercosur)Mercosur Association AgreementNegotiations concluded in June 2019
Rwanda (EAC)Economic Partnership AgreementSigned, provisional application when all EAC countries sign and ratify
Senegal (West Africa)Economic Partnership AgreementSigned, awaiting signature from all parties
Sierra Leone (West Africa)Economic Partnership AgreementSigned, awaiting signature from all parties
Tanzania (EAC)Economic Partnership AgreementHas not signed or ratified agreement
Togo (West Africa)Economic Partnership AgreementSigned, awaiting signature from all parties
Uganda (EAC)Economic Partnership AgreementHas not signed or ratified agreement
Uruguay  (Mercosur)Mercosur Association AgreementNegotiations concluded in June 2019
Uzbekistan (Central Asia)Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement Agreement initialled in July 2022; being prepared for signature 

Agreements being negotiated

The EU has trade agreements in place with these countries/regions, but both sides are now negotiating an update.

Country (Region)New agreement being negotiatedStatus
AustraliaAustralia AgreementNegotiations launched in 2018
IndiaFree Trade Agreement, Investment Protection Agreement and Geographical Indications AgreementNegotiations started in 2007. They paused in 2013, before restarting in 2022.
IndonesiaFree Trade AgreementNegotiations launched in 2016
PhilippinesFree Trade AgreementNegotiations launched in 2015
SingaporeDigital Trade AgreementNegotiations launched in July 2023
Tajikistan (Central Asia)Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement Negotiations launched in February 2023
ThailandFree Trade AgreementNegotiations started in 2013, paused in 2014, and resumed in 2023. 

Agreements on hold

Country (Region) Agreement Status
Bahrain (GCC) Free Trade Agreement Negotiations started in 1990, suspended since 2008
Central African Republic (Central Africa) Economic Partnership Agreement Negotiations started in 2003, paused until further notice in 2011
Chad (Central Africa) Economic Partnership Agreement Negotiations started in 2003, paused until further notice in 2011
Congo (Central Africa) Economic Partnership Agreement Negotiations started in 2003, paused until further notice in 2011
Djibouti (ESA) Economic Partnership Agreement Negotiations started in 2004, paused until further notice in 2011
Equatorial Guinea (Central Africa) Economic Partnership Agreement Negotiations started in 2003, paused until further notice in 2011
Ethiopia (ESA) Economic Partnership Agreement Negotiations started in 2004, paused until further notice in 2011
Gabon (Central Africa) Economic Partnership Agreement Negotiations started in 2003, paused until further notice in 2011
Kuwait (GCC) Free Trade Agreement Negotiations started in 1990, suspended since 2008
Malawi (ESA) Economic Partnership Agreement Negotiations started in 2004, paused until further notice in 2011
Malaysia Free Trade Agreement Negotiations started in 2010, paused since 2012
Myanmar Investment Protection Agreement Negotiations launched in 2015
Oman (GCC) Free Trade Agreement Negotiations started in 1990, suspended since 2008
Qatar (GCC) Free Trade Agreement Negotiations started in 1990, suspended since 2008
Republic Democratic of Congo (Central Africa) Economic Partnership Agreement Negotiations started in 2003, paused until further notice in 2011
São Tomé & Principe (Central Africa) Economic Partnership Agreement Negotiations started in 2003, paused until further notice in 2011
Saudi Arabia (GCC) Free Trade Agreement Negotiations started in 1990, suspended since 2008
Somalia (ESA) Economic Partnership Agreement Negotiations started in 2004, paused until further notice in 2011
Sudan (ESA) Economic Partnership Agreement Negotiations started in 2004, paused until further notice in 2011
United Arab Emirates (GCC) Free Trade Agreement Negotiations started in 1990, suspended since 2008
Zambia (ESA) Economic Partnership Agreement Negotiations started in 2004, paused until further notice in 2011

Latest news

  • Press release

The EU and the Republic of Korea have concluded negotiations for a landmark Digital Trade Agreement (DTA), underscoring their commitment to a strong and reliable partnership that is fit to face the fast-paced digital developments of today.

  • 1 min read

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