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Trade and Economic Security

Anti-dumping complaints

EU producers of a particular product can make an anti-dumping complaint to the Commission.

Trade topics
  • Anti-dumping
  • Trade defence

When can a complaint be lodged?

EU producers of a particular product can make an anti-dumping complaint to the Commission if they consider that:

  • a product is being exported to the EU at dumped prices, and:
  • they are being injured by these dumped imports (i.e. their performance is being impaired).

A complaint must:

  • contain allegations that a product originating in a country (or countries) outside the EU is being exported to the EU at dumped prices, and that these imports are causing injury to the EU industry;
  • contain evidence (e.g. invoices, price offers, publications in specialised press, official statistics, etc.) to support the allegations made;
  • be supported by a significant share of EU production (companies accounting for at least 25% of total EU production of the product), and;
  • not be opposed by EU companies accounting for a larger production volume than the complainants.

In general, complainants should contact producers in other EU countries to seek support before making a complaint.

Which products?

A complaint can be made about any imported product, but not about services.

Dumped products may originate in any country outside the EU.

The only exceptions are Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, which are excluded from the application of the EU anti-dumping legislation for most products. (This is because they belong to the European Economic Area, and have adopted European Community legislation in most areas, making them part of the single market.)


Confidential information will not be revealed without permission of the party that supplied it. However, a non-confidential summary of the complaint must be provided for distribution to interested parties, to ensure that they can defend their rights.

Deadline for action

If a complaint is accepted, the investigation must be initiated within 45 days after the complaint is lodged with the Commission. The anti-dumping investigation will determine whether action should be taken (e.g. imposition of an anti-dumping duty).

Further guidance

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