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WT/DS457 - Peru - Additional duty on certain agricultural products

WTO dispute settlement case - EU as third party

Trade topics
  • Dispute settlement
  • WTO - EU as third party

Summary of the case

  • Complaint by: Guatemala
  • Complaint against: Peru
  • Third parties: EU, Argentina, Brazil, China, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, India, Korea, Republic Of, United States

On 12 April 2013, Guatemala requested consultations with Peru with respect to the imposition by Peru of an “additional duty” on imports of certain agricultural products, such as rice, sugar, maize, milk and certain dairy products. Guatemala claims that the measure at issue is inconsistent with: •Article 4.2 and footnote 1 of the Agreement on Agriculture; •Articles II:1(a), II:1(b), X:1, X:3(a), XI and XI:1 of the GATT 1994; and •Articles 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7 of the Customs Valuation Agreement.

Relevant WTO provision: Agriculture: Art. 4.2; GATT 1994: Art. II:1(a), II:1(b), X:1, X:3(a), XI, XI:1; Customs valuation (Article VII of GATT 1994): Art. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7.


Panel composed on 19 September 2013. The panel report was circulated to WTO Members on 27 November 2014. On 3 December 2014, Peru and Guatemala requested the Dispute Settlement Body to adopt a draft decision extending the 60-day time period stipulated in Article 16.4 of the Dispute Settlement Understanding, no earlier than 9 February 2015 and no later than 25 March 2015. At its meeting on 17 December 2014, the DSB agreed that, it shall no later than 25 March 2015, adopt the panel report unless (i) the DSB decides by consensus not to do so or (ii) Guatemala or Peru notifies the DSB of its decision to appeal the panel report.

  • Consultations requested: 12 April 2013


EU submissions and other related documents

Full case details and WTO documents on the WTO website

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