About the dialogue
The Commission is committed to creating a transparent and accountable trade and economic security policy for the EU, based on consultations with European civil society.
To ensure inclusive policymaking, DG Trade holds regular, structured meetings – or Civil Society Dialogues – with stakeholders to discuss trade policy issues.
These meetings involve the European commissioner for trade and economic security or senior officials, offering updates on EU trade policy, and facilitating an exchange of views.
For more information on the dialogue framework, visit the EU's Transparency Register.
Who can participate
You can register to take part in DG Trade's Civil Society Dialogues if the organisation you represent is:
- a not-for-profit organisation;
- based in the EU, and;
- registered in the EU Transparency Register.
How to take part in the dialogue
- Step 1 - Join the EU Transparency Register
- Step 2 - Register to take part in Trade Civil Society Dialogues
- Step 3 - Sign up for meetings
Other ways to have your say
- Have your say – Public consultations and feedback
- Have your say: Simplify! portal (for existing legislation linked to ongoing annual work programme)
- Europe Direct (for all other topics)