EU renews anti-dumping measures on stainless steel fittings from China and Taiwan for five years, extends measures to Malaysia - European Commission Skip to main content
Trade and Economic Security
  • News article
  • 14 April 2023
  • Brussels
  • Directorate-General for Trade and Economic Security
  • 1 min read

EU renews anti-dumping measures on stainless steel fittings from China and Taiwan for five years, extends measures to Malaysia

Today, the European Commission renewed the anti-dumping measures on imports of stainless steel tube and pipe butt-welding fittings ('SSTPF') from China and Taiwan for another five years.

An expiry review investigation showed that injurious dumping would resume if measures were allowed to lapse. The renewal follows the extension of measures, on 3 March 2023, to fittings from Malaysia, after an anti-circumvention investigation had found that Chinese producers were using assembly operations there to evade measures applicable to them. Both sets of measures protect EU producers of stainless steel fittings – used to join pipes and tubes in industries including petrochemicals, beverage/food processing and construction – from unfair trading practices wherever these may come from, thereby securing over 500 EU jobs.

The extended anti-dumping duties range from 5.1% to 12.1% for Taiwan and from 30.7% to 64.9% for China. The duty rate extended to imports from Malaysia is 64.9%, with two genuine Malaysian producers being exempt from the measures.

The renewal of measures on imports from China and Taiwan is necessary to continue to ensure fair competition between imported and EU-produced fittings, while the extension of measures to Malaysia is necessary to ensure the efficacy of these measures against efforts to circumvent them.

The expiry review on imports from China and Taiwan found that dumping has continued and that both countries have significant spare capacity and an affinity for the EU market, which is worth €100 million annually. This dumping would likely intensify if measures were to lapse, with a recurrence of injury to Union industry.

Moreover, a related anti-circumvention investigation found that Chinese producers were already circumventing anti-dumping measures imposed on them: companies in Malaysia were importing the main parts needed to produce stainless steel fittings from China, processing them and subsequently exporting to the EU without paying any anti-dumping duties. No economic justification was found for this practice other than the circumvention of anti-dumping duties on imports from China.

For more information

Definitive measures

Extension of anti-dumping measures to stainless steel fittings from Malaysia

EU Trade Defence Policy


Publication date
14 April 2023
Directorate-General for Trade and Economic Security
Country or region
  • China
  • Chinese Taipei
  • Malaysia
Trade topics
  • Trade defence