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  • News article
  • 21 March 2022
  • Brussels
  • Directorate-General for Trade
  • 1 min read

EU and Canada lay the foundations for free movement of architects

On 10 March, the EU and Canada concluded the negotiations for a ’Mutual Recognition Agreement’ (MRA) on the professional qualifications of architects. 

This agreement will remove most of the bureaucratic obstacles for EU architects seeking to provide their services in Canada, and vice-versa, allowing them to work almost as freely as they would at home.

Once the MRA comes into effect, architects meeting certain qualification- and experience-based criteria will have their qualifications recognised by the European and Canadian authorities. Both EU and Canadian architects will have to register with the local authorities to get permission to work, while EU architects in Canada will additionally have to complete a one-off 10-hour course.

The MRA is planned to come into effect in early 2023, and once it does, it will be a regulatory breakthrough for the EU. This MRA is the first of its kind which the EU has negotiated. Its successful conclusion could lead to more MRAs, and the creation of new business opportunities, in the future.


Publication date
21 March 2022
Directorate-General for Trade
Country or region
  • Canada
Trade topics
  • Negotiations and agreements