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Trade and Economic Security

EU companies accessing world markets

Creating new opportunities for EU exporters - large or small - in markets abroad is a key part of the European Commission's work.

Trade topics
  • EU companies accessing world markets

The trade problems facing European exporters are not just traditional import tariffs or quotas, but also discriminatory or disproportionate regulations or standards.

Removing these barriers is part of the EU's strategy to boost exports and promote growth and jobs in Europe.

The Access2Markets portal helps firms to trade beyond the EU’s borders by providing information on:

  • Tariffs;
  • Rules of origin;
  • Taxes and additional duties;
  • Import procedures and formalities;
  • Product requirements;
  • Trade barriers, and;
  • Trade flow statistics.

Common rules for EU exports

Common rules are laid down for exports from the European Union. These common rules cover specific exports, some of which require authorisations.

Vaccines related to SARS-CoV

To ensure transparency in the exports of vaccines, the Commission has put in place a monitoring mechanism. The Commission will continue to monitor the ongoing epidemiological situation in order to take appropriate measures if necessary. Find the latest export figures.

More on export authorisation of COVID-19 vaccines

Dual-use controls

The EU controls the export, transit and brokering of dual-use items to prevent the proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and contribute to international peace and security.

More on Dual-use controls

Waste shipment

Controlling waste shipments helps to ensure that waste is managed in an environmentally sustainable way, and prevents shipments from affecting human health.

More on Waste shipment

When EU exports are affected by trade defence measures

The European Commission monitors and assists EU industries when non-EU countries take trade defence measures against EU exporters.

The Commission also plays a more direct role in anti-subsidy and safeguard investigations when EU subsidies are involved and the EU as a whole is targeted.

Trade defence instruments: A guide for small and medium-sized businesses

If your business is subject to a trade defence investigation by a non-EU country, this handbook provides the practical information you need. 

Helping small and medium-sized businesses to export

Global markets are an important source of growth for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Increasing the internationalisation of SMEs and helping them access third markets is crucial for Europe’s competitiveness, economic growth and innovation. 

The European Commission's priority is to ensure that enterprises can rely on a business-friendly environment and make the most out of growth markets outside the EU. 

The Study of the European Union SMEs internationalisation strategy maps and analyses existing support measures across the EU and its member countries. It identifies gaps, overlaps, and opportunities for improvement, offering recommendations to enhance the efficiency and coherence of SME internationalisation policies.

More on EU companies accessing world markets

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