EU-New Zealand: Text of the agreement
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Text of the Agreement

The EU-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement was signed on 9 July 2023. The text of the Agreement in English is available below.

The Agreement will become binding on the Parties under international law only after completion by each Party of its internal legal procedures necessary for the entry into force of the Agreement.


Chapter 1    Initial provisions

Chapter 2    National treatment and market access for goods                    

Chapter 3    Rules of origin and origin procedures

      Section A: Rules of origin

      Section B: Origin procedures

      Section C: Final provisions     

Chapter 4    Customs and trade facilitation

Chapter 5    Trade remedies

      Section A: General provisions

      Section B: Anti-dumping and countervailing duties

      Section C: Global safeguard measures

      Section D: Bilateral safeguard measures

          Sub-section 1: Procedural rules applicable to bilateral safeguard measures         

Chapter 6    Sanitary and phytosanitary measures

Chapter 7   Sustainable food systems

Chapter 8    Animal welfare

Chapter 9    Technical barriers to trade

Chapter 10  Trade in services and investment

      Section A: General provisions

      Section B: Investment liberalisation

      Section C: Cross-border trade in services

      Section D: Entry and temporary stay of natural persons for business purposes

      Section E: Regulatory framework

          Sub-section 1: Domestic regulation

          Sub-section 2: Provisions of general application

          Sub-section 3: Delivery services

          Sub-section 4: Telecommunications services

          Sub-section 5: Financial services

          Sub-section 6: International maritime transport services

Chapter 11  Capital movements, payments and transfers

Chapter 12  Digital trade

      Section A: General provisions

      Section B: Cross-border data flows and personal data protection

      Section C: Specific provisions

Chapter 13  Energy and raw materials

Chapter 14  Public procurement

Chapter 15  Competition policy

Chapter 16  Subsidies

Chapter 17 State-owned enterprises

Chapter 18  Intellectual property

      Section A: General provisions

      Section B: Standards concerning intellectual property rights

          Sub-section 1: Copyright and related rights

          Sub-section 2: Trademarks

          Sub-section 3: Designs

          Sub-section 4: Geographical indications

          Sub-section 5: Protection of undisclosed information 

          Sub-section 6: Plant varieties

      Section C: Enforcement of intellectual property rights

          Sub-section 1: Civil and administrative enforcement

          Sub-section 2: Border enforcement

      Section D: Final provisions 

Chapter 19  Trade and sustainable development

Chapter 20  Māori trade and economic cooperation

Chapter 21  Small and medium-sized enterprises

Chapter 22  Good regulatory practices and regulatory cooperation

Chapter 23  Transparency

Chapter 24 Institutional provisions

Chapter 25 Exceptions and general provisions

Chapter 26 Dispute settlement

      Section A: Objective and scope

      Section B: Consultations

      Section C: Panel procedures

      Section D: Mediation

      Section E: Common provisions

Chapter 27 Final provisions


Annex 2-A  Tariff elimination schedules

Annex 3-A  Introductory notes to product specific rules of origin

Annex 3-B  Product-specific rules of origin

Annex 3-C: Text of the Statement on Origin

Annex 3-D: Supplier's Declaration referred to in Article 3.3(4) (Cumulation of Origin) 

Annex 3-E: Joint Declaration concerning the Principality of Andorra

Annex 3-F: Joint Declaration concerning the Republic of San Marino

Annex 6-A: Competent Authorities 

Annex 6-B: Regional Conditions for Plants and Plant Products 

Annex 6-C: Equivalence Recognition of SPS Measures

Annex 6-D: Guidelines and procedures for an audit or verification 

Annex 6-E: Certification 

Annex 6-F: Import checks and fees

Annex 9-A: Acceptance of Conformity Assessment (Documents) 

Annex 9-B: Motor vehicles and equipment or parts thereof

Annex 9-C: Arrangement referred to in Point (b) of Article 9.10(5) for the systematic exchange of information in relation to the safety of non-food products and related preventive, restrictive and corrective measures

Annex 9-D: Arrangement referred to in Article 9.10(6) for the regular exchange of information regarding measures taken on non-compliant non-food products, other than those covered by Point (b) of Article 9.10(5)

Annex 9-E: Wine and spirits

Annex 10-A: Existing measures

Annex 10-B: Future measures

Annex 10-C: Business visitors for establishment purposes, intra-corporate transferees and short-term business visitors

Annex 10-D: List of activities of short-term business visitors

Annex 10-E: Contractual service suppliers and independent professionals 

Annex 10-F: Movement of natural persons for business purposes

Annex 13: Lists of energy goods, hydrocarbons and raw materials

Annex 14: Public procurement market access commitments

Annex 18-A: Product classes

Annex 18-B: Lists of Geographical Indications

Annex 19: Environmental Goods and Services

Annex 24: Rules of Procedure of the Trade Committee

Annex 26-A: Rules of Procedure for Dispute Settlement

Annex 26-B: Code of Conduct for Panellists and Mediators

Annex 26-C: Rules of Procedure for Mediation

Annex 27: Joint Declaration on Customs Unions

Appendix 2-A-1: Tariff Schedule of the European Union

Appendix 2-A-2: Tariff Schedule of New Zealand