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Factsheet: EU-New Zealand Trade Agreement - Agriculture trade

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EU-New Zealand Trade Agreement

Eliminating import duties on all EU agri-food exports to New Zealand

Thanks to the EU-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement (‘FTA’), EU farmers and agribusinesses will have easier access to the New Zealand market and more opportunities to sell their products. All import tariffs on EU agri-food exports will be fully eliminated from day one of entry into force of the FTA.

Tariffs will go down to zero on all products, including for key EU export products, such as:

  • Pigmeat
  • Wine and sparkling wine
  • Pet food
  • Chocolate, sugar confectionary and ice cream
  • Dairy products, including cheeses

Protecting Geographical Indications (GIs)

The recognition and protection of EU GIs through the FTA will provide real benefits to European farmers, producers and exporters by helping them market their distinctive regional products in New Zealand. New Zealand consumers will in turn benefit from the reassurance that they are buying a genuine quality EU product.

Find GIs registered in New Zealand 

EU GIs protected in New Zealand under the FTA will be added to the New Zealand GI register by the entry into force of the FTA.

EU register of GIs – eAmbrosia

New Zealand GIs to be protected in the EU under the FTA will be added to the database once the FTA enters into force.

Reducing burden of Sanitary and Phytosanitary measures

The FTA chapter on Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) measures builds upon the WTO Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures and deals with all SPS issues not covered by the EU-New Zealand Sanitary Agreement on trade in live animals and animal products.

The SPS Chapter defines streamlined procedures on the exchange of regulated pests for plant products and the recognition of pest-free areas. Rules leading to the equivalence of each others’ SPS measures are defined. The definition of the import requirements for priority plant products are to be treated in an accelerated manner.

New ambitious rules on anti-microbial resistance commit the EU and New Zealand to cooperating in international forums on the development of future standards and initiatives, including on responsible and prudent use.

Moreover, the EU and New Zealand will ensure that imports are not prohibited or prevented where an SPS measure is under review.

Promoting sustainable food systems and animal welfare

Refer to the EU SME Guide for more information on the benefits of the EU-New Zealand FTA and guidance on doing business in New Zealand.