- Trade topics
- Trade defence
The EU stands firm against unfair trade practices through trade defence instruments (TDIs). This is necessary to uphold the EU's commitment to open markets and free trade.
Free trade must be fair. If this is not the case, the EU restores fairness and a level playing field. In doing so, the EU makes sure that procedures are followed rigorously and takes all EU interests into account.
The role of trade defence
Open trade can grow businesses and create jobs but fair competition must be maintained between domestic and foreign producers.
The EU’s use of trade defence instruments is based on World Trade Organization rules. The EU uses these instruments and applies a number of extra conditions to the WTO rules to make sure their use is measured.
A quick tour of the different Trade Defence Instruments to tackle unfair trade.
Watch the video
EU protects: How EU trade investigators protected jobs against unfair competition
Read the story
EU trade defence policy
The European Commission monitors the application of trade defence instruments, ensures measured are enforced and negotiates future rules with international partners.
Improved trade defence instruments
The EU has improved its trade defence instruments (TDIs) to make sure they become more effective while reflecting EU values.
- TDI modernisation
- New anti-dumping methodology
- TDI help for small companies in the EU
- Deadlines in investigations
Actions against imports into the EU
The European Commission is responsible for investigating allegations of dumped and subsidised imports from third countries into the EU that may be harming EU producers.
Actions against exports from the EU
The EU is sometimes the subject of trade defence investigations initiated in non-EU countries. The EU monitors trade defence investigations in other countries around the world and guides EU producers affected by such investigations.
- The EU's trade policy aims to help the EU to compete better on international markets. Unwarranted trade defence measures unfairly block EU exporters' free access to the world's markets, and their negative impact should be minimised whenever possible.
- Any exporting industry subject to a trade defence action initiated by a non-EU country is responsible for defending its rights throughout the proceedings and for cooperating with the investigating authorities to favour a positive outcome.
List of cases taken against EU countries
More on trade defence
- Annual Reports on EU trade defence actions
- TDI Statistics
- A review of the application of the lesser duty rule after modernisation
The World Trade Organization sets the global framework for anti-dumping and anti-subsidy rules.
Personal data protection
The processing of personal data by the EU institutions and bodies is covered by
Regulation (EU) 2018/1725.
Decision (EU) 2018/1996 restricts certain rights of individuals in trade defence investigations.
The TDI privacy statement gives you more information.
The privacy statement relating to the implementation of the bicycle parts exemption scheme gives you more information.