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WT/DS352 - India - Measures Affecting the Importation and Sale of Wines and Spirits from the European Communities

WTO dispute settlement case - Launched by the EU

Country or region
  • India
Trade topics
  • Dispute settlement
  • WTO - Case launched by the EU

Summary of the case

  • Complaint by: EU
  • Complaint against: India
  • Third parties: No third party

The dispute concerns two Additional Duties imposed by India on imported wines and spirits, allegedly to compensate for excise duties levied at State level on domestic wines and spirits and restrictions on retail sale of wines and spirits applied by the State of Tamil Nadu.

Relevant WTO provision: Articles II, III and XI of GATT 1994


Consultations requested by the European Communities on 20 November 2006.

  • Consultations requested: 20 November 2006


Full case details and WTO documents on the WTO website

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