- Country or region
- Argentina
- Trade topics
- Dispute settlement
- Context
- WTO - Case launched by the EU
Summary of the case
- Complaint by: EU
- Complaint against: Argentina
- Third parties: No third party
Involvement of the domestic tanning industry in customs procedures. Discriminatory internal taxes on imported leather products.
Relevant WTO provision: GATT (Art. III:2, X:3, XI:1)
Panel report adopted. Reasonable period of time of 12 months determined by arbitration. Procedural agreement being concluded for implementation after the end of the reasonable period of time. Agreement reached between the EC and Argentina concerning procedures under Art. 21 and 22 of the DSU.
- Consultations requested: 23 December 1998
- Panel requested: 04 June 1999
- Panel established: 26 July 1999
- Panel report circulated: 19 December 2000
- Panel/Appellate Body report adopted: 16 February 2001
- Implementation deadline: 28 February 2002