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Exporter enquiries

Trade topics
  • EU companies accessing world markets
  • Importing into the EU

Exporting from the EU to a country outside the EU

Do you work for, or run, a company in the EU?

Are you thinking about exporting to a specific country or region outside the EU?

If so then you can get help from:

  • the EU's Access2Markets portal
  • your country's national export promotion agency

Access to Markets portal

The EU's Access2Markets portal gives you the information you need to export from the EU to specific countries outside the EU – from the tariffs you'll have to pay at customs to the paperwork you'll need to fill in.

National Export Promotion Agencies

Exporting from a developing country into the EU

Based in a developing country?

Want to export your product or service to the EU?

Then visit the Access2Markets portal for exporting to the EU. It's specially designed for businesses like yours.

You'll find all you need to know about the mechanics of exporting to the EU, including:

  • the health, safety and technical standards you need to meet
  • rules of origin – these determine where products are made
  • forms to send with your shipments.

Waste shipments into or out of the EU

For enquiries, submissions or requests concerning waste shipments, please contact:

Waste shipments into or out of the EU
trade-non-hazardous-wasteatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Postal address

European Commission Directorate-General for Trade, Rue de la Loi, 170
1049 Bruxelles

Charlemagne building

Customs, quotas, taxation, tariffs, duties and ceilings

For more information on these topics, please visit the European Commission's Taxation and Customs Union website

Latest news

  • News article

Today, the European Commission imposed definitive anti-dumping duties on imports of the sweetener erythritol from China. The measures were taken to ensure a level playing field for EU industry, which was threatened with definitive closure.

  • 1 min read

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