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Trade and Economic Security
  • News article
  • 25 September 2024
  • Directorate-General for Trade
  • 1 min read

EU and US discuss eradication of forced labour from supply chains

The EU and US met with transatlantic social partners today to discuss the eradication of forced labour from supply chains, and delivering the green transition. 

On 25 September 2024, the EU and US held an in-depth technical discussion with transatlantic social partner stakeholders under the Trade and Labour Dialogue (TALD), focused on ways to eradicate forced labour from supply chains and ensure a successful, just and inclusive green transition.

The virtual meeting focused first on the Joint recommendations that EU and US social partner stakeholders formulated ahead of the second Ministerial meeting of the TALD. Responding to these recommendations, the EU and US provided updates on their forced labour policies and initiatives and presented their actions supporting businesses and labour unions to effectively tackle forced labour. Present and future initiatives include due diligence requirements and related support measures, as well as cooperation with third countries and the promotion of decent work. The EU and the US reaffirmed their continued cooperation to eliminate forced labour from global supply chains and to share best practices on the implementation of forced labour policies. 

They also discussed suggestions received from EU and US business and labour organisations during the January 2024 workshop on the promotion of good quality jobs for a successful, just and inclusive green economy. This was organised in the framework of the Transatlantic Initiative on Sustainable Trade (TIST) and resulted in a report, summarising the discussion and suggestions. The EU and the US presented their initial views, focusing in particular on promoting social dialogue in the context of skills development, social protection and improving working conditions; promoting labour standards through public investments and procurement; skills policies; as well as upholding labour rights in supply chains through due diligence and trade tools. The EU and US, together with social partner stakeholders, also reflected on possibilities for organising a dedicated workshop on these issues.

Finally, they agreed on the importance of TALD discussions, underlining the value of transatlantic discussions with business and labour organisations on these important and timely topics.

For more information

EU-US Joint Statement of the Trade and Technology Council (April 2024) 

Workshop on the promotion of good quality jobs for a successful, just and inclusive green economy (January 2024)

EU-US social partners' joint recommendations on combating forced labour (May 2023)

Inaugural technical TALD meeting

First Ministerial TALD meeting

Second Ministerial TALD meeting 

Third Ministerial TALD meeting


Publication date
25 September 2024
Directorate-General for Trade
Country or region
  • United States
Trade topics
  • Sustainable development
  • Trade policy