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Belgium - KitoZyme

Biotech doing wonders for wine

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  • Belgium

Biotech doing wonders for wine

Kitozyme is a small biotech company in Wallonia, Belgium. It specialises in technology for healthcare and beverages. The company has come up with a patented, unique and innovative use for one of its products, KiOfine®. KiOfine® is a natural vegetable fibre that eliminates a type of yeast that can develop in wine and make it undrinkable.

Kitozyme sells KiOfine® to wine makers around the world, including in France, Spain, Italy, the USA, Chile and South Africa.

With CETA in place, KITOZYME has signed an exclusive contract with Canadian distributor Lallemand to sell its product, its largest such contract for KiOfine so far.

How EU trade agreements have helped

The EU’s trade agreements are essential for free and fair competition globally. Trade agreements make it easier for smaller companies like Kitozyme to grow and hire more people.

CETA – the EU’s trade agreement with Canada –makes it easier for KitoZyme to export, including by cutting red tape.

The CETA agreement has helped open up the wine market to KiOfine®, one of our patented flagship products. We very much look forward to this export growth opportunity.

François Blondel,
CEO, Kitozyme

Key facts

  • Founded in 2011
  • Headquarters: Liege, Belgium
  • Employees: 50