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Germany - Anti-aging beer is a great success in South Korea

Brandenburg-based brewery boosts sales in Asia, with sights now set on Canada.

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  • South Korea
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  • Exporters' stories
EU exporter
  • Germany

Klosterbrauerei Neuzelle, founded in 1416, is a German brewery with roots in medieval times. Today, it offers an impressive range of fruit beers, gluten-free and probiotic beers – even an anti-aging beer.

The company benefitted from the EU-South Korea deal of 2011 in which trade tariffs were abolished and bureaucratic barriers reduced. As a result of the agreement the 43-strong company was able to increase its exports to South Korea from about 800 bottles per year to 4.000 – an increase by 400 per cent. Stefan Fritsche, CEO of Neuzelle brewery states: “Many jobs depend on those exports.” And: “In foreign markets, our products are unique.”

Klosterbrauerei Neuzelle believes it would also benefit from CETA, the EU’s Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement with Canada. According to the company’s estimates, exports to Canada would increase by 33% to 6 400 bottles per year. “In order to compete with large companies internationally,

It is important that we are able to export in the most unbureaucratic and straightforward way possible,” Fritsche explains. “CETA would be a great help in this.” The reason: trade barriers such as customs duties would be removed.

Find out more about the EU’s trade relations with South Korea