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Trade and Economic Security

WT/DS462 - Russian Federation - Russian Federation- Recycling fee on motor vehicles

WTO dispute settlement case - Launched by the EU

Country or region
  • Russia
Trade topics
  • Dispute settlement
  • WTO - Case launched by the EU

Summary of the case

  • Complaint by: EU
  • Complaint against: Russian Federation
  • Third parties: China, Japan, Turkey, Ukraine, United States

On 9 July 2013, the European Union requested consultations with the Government of the Russian Federation regarding Russia's measures relating to a charge, the so called “recycling fee”, imposed on motor vehicles. Russia imposes a “recycling fee” on imported motor vehicles. In contrast, domestic vehicles are exempted from that payment, under certain conditions.

An exemption is also available to vehicles imported from Belarus and Kazakhstan. In addition, Russia subjects the availability of the exemption to domestic producers to certain conditions –including inter alia local content requirements – that favour the purchase and/or use of parts and components produced in Russia, Belarus or Kazakhstan over parts and components produced and imported from other WTO Members, including the European Union.

Furthermore, the “recycling fee” steeply increases for certain categories of vehicles and for vehicles “produced more than three years ago”. This structure of the “recycling fee” appears to discriminate in favour of domestic vehicles.

The EU considers that those measures are incompatible with Articles I:1, II:1(a) and (b), III:2 and III:4 of the GATT 1994 and with Article 2.1 and 2.2 of the TRIMs Agreement. The consultations did not resolve the dispute and on 10 October 2013 the EU requested the establishment of a panel.

Relevant WTO provision: Articles I:1, II:1(a) and (b), III:2 and III:4 of the GATT 1994 and Article 2.1 and 2.2 of the TRIMs Agreement.


On 10 October 2013, the EU requested the establishment of a panel.

  • Consultations requested: 09 July 2013
  • Panel requested: 10 October 2013


Full case details and WTO documents on the WTO website

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