- Country or region
- Canada
- South Korea
- Trade topics
- Dispute settlement
- Context
- WTO - EU as third party
Summary of the case
- Complaint by: Canada
- Complaint against: Korea, Republic Of
- Third parties: EU, Argentina, Brazil, China, India, Japan, Taiwan (Chinese Taipei), United States
The dispute concerns restrictions on the importation of beef from Canada, focussing in particular on SPS measures on BSE.
Relevant WTO provision: Articles 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.3, 5.1, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 6.1, 8 and Annex C of the SPS, Agreement; and Articles I:1, III:4 and XI:1 of the GATT 1994
Consultations were requested in April 2009. A Panel was requested in July 2009 and established in August 2009. The Panel is currently hearing the case.
- Consultations requested: 09 April 2009
- Panel requested: 09 July 2009
- Panel established: 31 August 2009