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  • Trade policy

If you are unable to find particular services or information on this website, it could be outside of the Directorate-General for Trade's scope of activity.

Here are some other commonly requested resources:

Customs, quotas, taxation, tariffs, duties and ceilings

Chambers of Commerce

Internal market

Careers and internships

Promoting trade

Free movement of goods within the EU

Consumer rights within the EU

Tune in to trade policy insights

Picture of Valdis Dombrovskis

What does it take to steer EU trade policy through the challenges of our times?

Executive Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis shares his insights into the inner workings of EU trade policy.

19/10/2023 | Episode 1 | 31 minutes

Picture of Denis Redonnet, Martin Lukas and Carolina Cumbo Nacheli

What does it take to defend open trade and help European companies compete fairly on the global market?

Tom Moylan meets the European Commission’s Chief Trade Enforcement Officer Denis Redonnet and two seasoned trade defence experts.

28/11/2023 | Episode 2 | 34 minutes

Latest news

  • Press release

Today, the EU and Uzbekistan signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) launching a strategic partnership on critical raw materials (CRMs). This important agreement marks a significant step towards securing a diversified and sustainable supply of CRMs for the green and digital transitions.

  • 1 min read

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