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Invitation to submit input and comments regarding EU-US Export Control Cooperation under the Trade and Technology Council

Inputs for specific and concrete actions and related outcomes from stakeholders will assist DG TRADE.


Opening date
Directorate-General for Trade
Country or region
  • United States
Trade topics
  • Dual use
  • Negotiations and agreements
  • Trade policy

Target audience

 All interested stakeholders

Why we are consulting

The European Commission DG TRADE is seeking stakeholders’ inputs and comments.

Export controls are necessary to fulfill our international obligations and commitments, preserve international security and protect human rights. Both the EU and the US share the view that a multilateral and transparent approach to export controls is most effective for preserving international security and protecting human rights, supporting a global level playing field and joint technology development and innovation.

Consistent with the TTC Principals’ statement of 29 September 2021 on enhancing export control cooperation, the EU and the US agreed to ensure that the application of export controls is transparent and equitable for both EU and US exporters, and reiterated their commitment to working closely in partnership with the private sector and public R&D institutions in that regard. In light of this, and in anticipation of this invitation to provide comments, the EU and the US held a joint virtual outreach for stakeholders on 27 October 2021.

Consistent with the goals of the EU-US Trade and Technology Council (TTC), and in order to inform the work of the TTC’s Export Controls Working Group (ECWG), the Directorate General for Trade of the European Commission (DG TRADE) is seeking stakeholders’ inputs with respect to the identification of concrete actions and expected outcomes relating to the areas and priorities for EU-US export control cooperation. Stakeholders are invited to consider actions that have the potential to make US and /or EU dual-use export control policies and practices more convergent, efficient and effective, and generally fit for today’s challenges.

Inputs for specific and concrete actions and related outcomes from stakeholders will assist DG TRADE in developing proposals for the ECWG's Work Programme, and will support a productive and result-oriented dialogue with the United States.  

Practical information

Dates:  Comments can be submitted by 15 January 2022

Contact for further information:TRADE-D1-REQUEST-BOXatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (TRADE-D1-REQUEST-BOX[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)

Respond to the consultation

The response period for this consultation has ended. Thank you for your input.

Additional information

Under the TTC’s Export Controls Working Group, the European Union and the United States are seeking to enhance their cooperation in the following areas:

  • Technical consultations on current and upcoming legislative and regulatory developments to promote the global convergence of controls and ensure legal security for EU and US companies, including regular adjustments to control lists and specific license exceptions/General Export Authorizations, development of guidelines, as well as relevant regulatory developments in third countries;
  • Technical consultations and development of convergent control approaches on sensitive dual-use technologies, as appropriate;
  • Information exchange on risks associated with: (1) the export of sensitive technologies to destinations and entities of concern, exchange of good practice on the implementation and licensing for listed or non-listed sensitive items; and (2) technology transfers and dual-use research of concern and exchange of best practices to support the effective application of controls while facilitating research collaboration between US and EU research organizations;
  • Technical consultations on compliance and enforcement approaches (i.e. legal and regulatory basis, institutional and administrative arrangements) and actions;
  • Capacity building assistance to third countries to develop appropriate capabilities to implement guidelines and lists of multilateral export control regimes, appropriate export control policies and practices, as well as relevant enforcement measures;
  • Technical consultations regarding multilateral and international cooperation, including prior to the introduction of controls outside the multilateral regimes, as appropriate.

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